Jalan Lurus

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Microsoft Comes to Grocery Aisle With MediaCart Console

SEATTLE -- Microsoft Corp. is bringing digital advertising to the grocery cart.

The software maker spent four years working with Plano, Texas-based MediaCart Holdings Inc. on a grocery cart-mounted console that helps shoppers find products in the store, then scan and pay for their items without waiting in the checkout line. Microsoft's acquisition of online advertising company aQuantive last year for $6 billion shored up the company's capacity to serve video ads onto

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3 Steps To Understanding Your Home Based Affiliate Business Opportunity

If you've recently joined a home based affiliate business opportunity on the internet, then the chances are that you have alot of new information about the company that you should read over and learn if you want to be successful. While you might not be able to grasp all of the features of your new business venture overnight(let alone make tons of cash), you can start the foundation of long term success.

Step 1:
The first thing you should understand about making money online is that it's never going to make you rich overnight.

Several instant ways to make money on the Internet

There are several instant ways to make money on the Internet by becoming an affiliate business partner with other services and merchandise promoters. First, income can be generated from simply displaying another companies logo or banner on a home or business website. Every time a person around the world downloads the web page, bringing that logo into their home, the company advertising on the website will pay the affiliate. These are simple and the fastest way to make money through Internet opportunities.Another affiliate income generating opportunity is the money that is earned every time a shopper actually clicks the button of an advertiser on an affiliates' website. The "click" income method is more profitable for websites that have higher traffic numbers. The quickest method for making money with this affiliate payment plan is to have advertisers that are closely associated with what ever the website is promoting, educating, or informing consumers about. Shoppers interested in the website will also be interested in the products and services offered through the advertising on the web page. Affiliate business opportunities that pay for every click on a banner or button are instant and almost effortless ways to make money on the Internet.

And, there's more to the affiliate income generating potential. There are affiliate programs that will pay for sales leads or percentages on the sales themselves. This is often the case with large service providers such as mortgage companies, financial institutions, or even debt helps services. If a consumer engages in a contractual agreement with a company advertised on a website, then the affiliate will receive a commission or percentage of the sale. Affiliate partnerships and associations are truly the fastest way to make money through the Internet while enjoying the convenience of working at home